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*Please note: The information below is presented for the benefit of vegetarians, and does not extend to allergy warnings.

What is Vegetable Ramen?

Japan is an island nation with little history of immigration. In contrast to much of Europe and the United States, it is not home to people from a variety of different ethnic and religious backgrounds. Nearly all Western ramen shops offer a vegetable variant. In light of our mission to promote the distinctive Japanese culinary phenomenon of ramen on the global stage, we want to ensure that ramen served around the world is more authentic to the Japanese original. To this end, we propose a "global standard ramen" model designed to promote consistency of flavor throughout the world. The following vegetable ramen dishes are prepared in the traditional vegetarian culinary style of Japan.

Recommended vegetable ramen dishes

Ryu Shanghai Honten

Vegetarian ramen ¥950
A simple dish of shiitake mushrooms and kombu seaweed in a broth made from fresh miso flavored with sesame oil, served with salty miso paste.


Recommended vegetable ramen dishes ¥950
Popular Osama Ramen made without animal products, featuring wheat gluten in place of roast pork, along with bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, tree ear and spring onions.

• This information is intended for vegetarian consumers, and does not extend to allergy warnings.
• No distinction is made between restaurants, kitchens and crockery.
• None of the restaurants listed above employ Muslim chefs.
• None of the dishes listed above are made with alcohol; however fermentation of soy sauce and miso can generate alcohol components in certain circumstances.
• The restaurants listed above serve alcohol.

New infrastructure for international visitors


According to a survey conducted last year by the Japan Tourism Agency, the most common annoyance for visitors to Japan was "poor Wi-Fi access" (36.7%), followed by "communication difficulties" (24%). We are pleased to announce that we have introduced Wi-Fi this year in response to a number of inquiries.

Muslim prayer rooms

Muslims pray five times per day. In a bid to make our Muslim visitors feel welcome, we have set up a dedicated prayer room with prayer mats and a kiblah (compass) that indicates the required direction.